Meanderings with Trudy

Meander with Me in the forest!

Episode Summary

It's the end of February 2024 and this is the last week of our mid-winter break... and so I took you out with me to the forest to meander through the winter sounds and talk about the ground we've covered in our Meander Again series on the Enneagram.

Episode Notes

I hope you've enjoyed re-exploring joy as seen through the lens of the Enneagram. We covered a lot of ground from wholeheartedness, rebirth, community, ritual, storytelling and a whole lot more. And on this meander, I shared with you a bit about what I've learned about myself as I revisit my "two-ness" this time around.

As I look ahead to the end of winter and coming spring episodes, I can tell you that we'll continue to meander through Dina's book, "Grief Unleashed: from the whole in our hearts to wholehearted." Angie and I will continue to explore joy twice a month on The PauseCast  following in the footsteps of the poet Khalil Gibran. We left off in December "On Wonder" and we'll probably pick back up there with that theme. We do plan to explore big topics like On Support, and On Stress, On Nature and On Silence, among other things... or wherever whimsy takes us. I'll continue to meander with regular people about how they experience their joy, and we'll cover a little more about relationships, including grandparenting, in those meanders.

All that said, every meander is a surprise, and I hope you'll stick with us as we cover the landscape. The unifying theme across each of the meanders is JOY in the every day, showing how we can live more fulfilling lives. Please send thoughts and comments to

PS... Zoomba is a dog who makes an appearance in this episode.   

Episode Links:

Chapman Coaching Inc.

If you want to learn more about the Enneagram, visit The Enneagram Institute

Royalty free music is called Sunday Stroll – by Huma-Huma