Meanderings with Trudy

Meander with the Salmon Stream, a soundscape

Episode Summary

It's March Break here in Canada, children are off school and families are taking a break from routine to spend time together. Typically this means people leave home for warmer parts south, if you're lucky. Some head away to other parts of Canada to visit family. I've headed to Vancouver, British Columbia, to my sister-in-law's place, for a short visit.

Episode Notes

I always love visiting nature, and  here in Vancouver, nature is truly just outside the guest bedroom door at my sister-in-law's place. Here, the sounds of a salmon stream that runs through the property are ever-present, and sooth my soul. So, I thought  I would share with you some of that beauty on this holiday week, in March.

Chapman Coaching Inc.

Royalty free music is called Sunday Stroll – by Huma-Huma