Meanderings with Trudy

MwT: The PauseCast with Angie Arendt, On Returning, and other Rs

Episode Summary

Welcome back to MwT: The PauseCast with Angie Arendt! We’re continuing to dig into and explore the ingredients of joy. We’ll follow the model of the Lebanese-American poet Khalil Gibran in his famed poem “The Prophet” and explore more on the topic… On Change… On Worry… On Relationship… On Getting older…. And how these contribute to our experience of joy.

Episode Notes

Today, we pick up some of the threads we left before our break. We start with an exploration of what it means to return – to family, to relationships, to places we used to know – all in the context of stitching reverence and resilience into a cloth that fits us now. Yes, there’s a lot of “R”s in today’s episode – returning, reverence, resilience, ritual, repenting, re-membering, reminding… so many Rs.

I hope you’ll enjoy this episode; it’s so rich, and pulls together the threads of meanders past, in service of rekindling joy. Yes, more Rs! Please, share our work widely, give us a review to tease the algorithms. If you have comments or questions, please send them to

Episode links:

Chapman Coaching Inc.

Big Stone House

Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

Indra’s Net

Royalty free music is called Sunday Stroll – by Huma-Huma